“Quite simply, FiberLAN’s staff have the right attitude. They think for themselves and they’re never afraid to go the extra mile – which means that all tasks are dealt with in a flexible and efficient manner. And they never leave a job before everything is working properly.”
“As we have 80 large locations in the municipality – the town hall, social centres, kindergartens and care homes, for example – as well as a wide range of smaller units, it’s essential to keep control of logistics and planning when laying cables and setting up wireless networks.
Conditions change all the time as regards the number of users, the specific locations and the positioning of connection points.
FiberLAN takes all this into account when working on assignments for us.”
“They see the big picture, they’re used to working on large projects, and they have full control of the registration aspect. Our working relationship with FiberLAN is smooth sailing. Everyone knows which tasks are to be completed, when and where, and the registration work and geographical overview function flawlessly.”
“Our working relationship with FiberLAN is built on solid, long-term cooperation.
Thanks to FiberLAN’s solution-oriented approach to the tasks, we never have any problems delivering our work on time.
FiberLAN has the right equipment and know-how to deal with all the tasks we hand them.
Working closely with FiberLAN, we always come up with an excellent way to tackle our assignments.
We have no hesitation in recommending FiberLAN – they know what they’re doing and always handle assignments with the utmost professionalism.”
“Energinet.dk is a specialist in expanding and maintaining electricity and gas supplies in Denmark. FiberLAN is a specialist in installing and rolling out fibre, and the company possesses a deep pool of knowledge about the technical challenges associated with the area. That’s why we’ve teamed up with the crew from Odense in expanding and maintaining the Danish electricity system.”
“An important factor for us is that there is never long between phone call and action when we contact FiberLAN – irrespective of the size of the task.
We really appreciate FiberLAN’s professional, solution-oriented approach to the tasks, so we would highly recommend FiberLAN to other companies.”
Nærvarme Danmark was founded to contribute to the green transition by supplying heat pumps on subscription in all parts of Denmark. They currently have 2,500 heat pumps installed all over the country, with full service
Bankdata is one of the biggest IT companies in Denmark. They build up everything that has to do with banks. From the banking app on your smartphone to Denmark’s financial infrastructure. The company is owned
Sydbank is one of the biggest and most prominent banks in Denmark. Due to the size of both the organisation and its area of activity, the bank has an almost continuous need for all kinds
Here at FiberLAN, we lay cables, install and systematise equipment and then power it all up. We strive to be your preferred partner for all projects in the fields of fibre, data, networks and electrical installations.
We deliver to energy utilities, finance and insurance companies, main contractors, commercial companies and local authorities as a trusted partner.
Good connections are all about confidence.
Start off by getting to know us a little better.
We may well be your perfect match.
“We’re paid the same, but only work four days a week”
“I enjoy learning new things – expanding my skillset and, in particular, challenging myself. I have every opportunity to do so at FiberLAN”
“I love being in a place where everything is as it should be”
“FiberLAN gives us freedom with responsibility”
“My second family”
“We make a point of looking after one another here”
“I have more energy left when I work a 4-day week”
“FiberLAN prioritises quality over quantity”
“There’s always room to develop”
“At FiberLAN we can always have a good laugh”
“Strong DNA and culture, like running your own business”
“FiberLAN is much more than just a workplace”
“We all pull together”
“An exciting workplace with the emphasis on well-being and solid craftsmanship. A company that’s going places – with a great sense of community”
“A fantastic place to work”
“Great colleagues, and the feeling of delivering an excellent piece of work”
“It’s great to be in a place where everyone helps everyone else to get the job done!”
“Fantastic colleagues at a dynamic, flexible company that handles exciting assignments!”
“Great colleagues, excellent culture and a fantastic workplace”
“The feeling of being both seen and heard is an important element that you really experience at FiberLAN”
“A great company to work for, you really feel appreciated”
Find us
Fåborgvej 44,
DK-5700 Svendborg
Snaremosevej 21F,
DK-7000 Fredericia
Company Reg. No. (VAT) DK27982379
Contact us
📣I FiberLAN Fredericia søger vi flere dygtige kollegaer.📣
Vi vil imødekomme den stigende efterspørgsel på opgaver, og sikre høj kvalitet og service for vores mange samarbejdspartnere - 📣 VI SØGER 📣 - Dedikerede medarbejdere m/k med viden, nysgerrighed og erfaring.
Vi tilbyder bl.a.
- 4 dages arbejdsuge – den ugentlige effektive arbejdstid er 35 timer, og vi yder løn for 37 timers arbejde pr. uge, så der er mere tid til familie og fritid👨👨👧👦.
- Ansættelse i en spændende og nytænkende el, data og vvs-virksomhed
- Samarbejde med dygtige og engagerede kolleger.
I FiberLAN A/S har vi 4 dages arbejdsuge, da vi tror på, at kombinationen af effektivisering af vores arbejdstid og mere fritid til vores medarbejdere, giver en større arbejdsglæde.
Større arbejdsglæde og effektive arbejdsmetoder samt fortsat høj fokus på vores kunders tilfredshed, giver endnu højere kvalitet i vores arbejde.
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EL- og datateknikere til FiberLAN Fredericia
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✨2024: Et år med grøn vækst, milepæle og nye højder for FiberLAN ✨
Endnu et spændende år er gået hos FiberLAN, og vi vil gerne sende en stor tak til alle vores samarbejdspartnere, kunder og medarbejdere, som har været med til at gøre året til noget helt særligt. 🙏 2024 blev året, hvor vi fik vores nye direktør Tonny Gjettermann ved roret, og sikke en start det har været! Vi er stolte af hans engagement og glæder os til at se, hvad fremtiden bringer under hans ledelse. 🙌
Det har været et skelsættende år for FiberLAN! Vi fejrede vores 20-års jubilæum 🎂 – to årtier med stærke relationer, dedikation og vækst. Samtidig blev vi kåret som Succesvirksomhed 2024 🏆 – en anerkendelse af vores evne til at skabe vedvarende vækst og levere høj kvalitet år efter år. 🙌
Vi har styrket vores position i branchen med store projekter og værdifulde partnerskaber, der viser vores ekspertise og pålidelighed. 💻⚡ Internt har vi også taget et stort skridt fremad med hele 17 nye medarbejdere, der nu er en del af vores stærke team. 👷♂️🤝
2024 har desuden sat fokus på bæredygtighed og grøn omstilling, som vi glæder os til at udvikle endnu mere i 2025. 🌿💪
En stor tak til vores fantastiske medarbejdere, samarbejdspartnere og kunder for jeres tillid og engagement.
Sammen har vi taget vigtige skridt mod en grønnere fremtid og skabt løsninger, der virkelig gør en forskel. Vi ser frem til nye spændende projekter og til at udforske grønne horisonter i det kommende år! 2025 bliver også året, hvor FiberLAN opnår sin ISO 9001-certificering – et vigtigt skridt i vores udvikling 🚀✨
#FIBERLAN #bæredygtighed #erhvervsløsninger #grønomstilling #samarbejde2025 #sef ... Se mereSe mindre
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Tak for året der snart er slut - ser frem til et et fortsat godt samarbejde i 2025 🤩
⭐️Traditionen tro har FiberLAN igen sørget for lys 💡 på byens store juletræ 🎄 på Torvet i tæt samarbejde med borgmester Bo Hansen, Svendborg Kommune og SvendborgEvent.
Vi er stolte af at bidrage til den magiske julestemning i byen , og takker for den fortsatte tillid! 🎄🎄
#julelys #sef #julestemning #svendborghvorellers ... Se mereSe mindre
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